Recent National Labor Relations Board Rulings and Regulations
1h 30m
Created on April 17, 2018
Since December 2017, the National Labor Relations Board has seen a tremendous volume of decisions that lessened the impact of, or outright reversed, in some instances Obama era rulings and in others, long-standing Board practice.
Shortly after General Counsel Peter Robb was sworn in, he identified more than two dozen areas where the Board would consider an “alternative analysis” to the current Board decisions. This Board has wasted little time directly addressing many of the Obama era rulings which were considered problematic to business, both those with and without labor unions. Moreover, the Trump Board has indicated several areas where regulations may be scaled back or reversed as well.
This course, led by attorney Paul Burmeister, will explore what has been the initial main focus of this Board and what may be up next at the Board, in the courts or in Congress that deals with the National Labor Relations Act.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the National Labor Relations Act and the makeup of the National Labor relations Board
- Review key decisions of the NLRB in the past 8 years and their legal effects on labor relations
- Compare the new Board to the previous Board makeup and the legal ramifications of a new majority party and General Counsel on NLRB agenda and rulings
- Conduct an analysis of important NLRB rulings since December 2017; including those related to employee handbooks, joint employment and workplace rules in union shops
- Address possible trends in NLRB rulings based upon areas identified by the Board for potential review, along with relevant court decisions and proposals for new regulations
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