On Demand


Basics of Naturalization

1h 5m

Created on November 15, 2022




Naturalization is the application, testing, and interview process leading to the acquisition of U.S. citizenship. This presentation will review the legal and procedural requirements of the naturalization process. In the hep presentation, Lindsay A Curcio, Law Office of Lindsay A. Curcio, and Stuart J. Reich, Law Office of Stuart J. Reich, will review of the ways U.S. citizenship may be acquired and questions to explore during the client intake process. Additionally, the program will explore relevant sections of U.S. Immigration law for those applying for naturalization.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Analyze relevant U.S. Immigration laws related to naturalization

  2. Explain eligibility criteria for naturalization, including time requirements, physical presence, how marriage to a U.S. citizen can affect the process, and other eligibility factors

  3. Examine resources for the naturalization test

  4. Prepare a client for the naturalization interview and what to expect after it has been completed

  5. Illustrate the benefits of U.S. citizenship

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