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- Karen Stoutamyer Law
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Karen Stoutamyer Law is an adoption and immigration attorney practicing in Virginia. As a Virginia adoption attorney, she represents prospective adoptive parents, foster parents, birth parents, and adoptees before courts all over the Commonwealth. Her immigration practice is national. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Law in 1985 and became licensed in Virginia in that same year. She is a fellow of the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys and a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Virginia State Bar, and the Virginia Women Attorneys Association. She served as the Deputy Director of Intercountry Adoption for the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys for two years. She also served on the AILA International Operations Liaison Committee for two years. Working with those professional associations, she submitted comments to USCIS on proposed rules, operating procedures and policy memoranda. She has also assisted with drafting federal and state legislation and has provided comments and technical expertise to legislators and policymakers at the Department of State, USCIS, and the Virginia Assembly. She was designated as a 2013 Angel in Adoption by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption. In cooperation with the Loudoun County Department of Family Services and the Virginia Women Attorneys Association, she co-chaired the annual celebration of adoption in Loudoun County, Virginia, for thirteen years. She often provides training to other attorneys on Virginia adoption law and intercountry adoption issues and publishes articles on those same topics.
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