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- James D. Eggleston, Jr., Esq.
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James D. Eggleston, Jr. is the founding partner in Eggleston King Davis, LLP. He is a member of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and the American Agriculture Lawyers Association. Jim is Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Farm and Ranch Real Estate Law and Commercial Real Estate Law. He is a 1980 graduate of the University of Kansas School of Law and is currently participating in the University of Arkansas School of Law LL.M. Agriculture and Food Law Program. He is a frequent speaker on farm and ranch topics at continuing legal education courses for State Bar of Texas lawyers. His practice is devoted to farm and ranch transactions, business transactions, farm and ranch financing, asset protection for farmers and ranchers, and farm and ranch partitions.
LL.M. (2025)
Juris Doctor (1980)
B.S. Business (1977)
James D.'s courses have 43 total views
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