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- James Benak
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Trial lawyer and general counsel for large public companies in utilities, engineering, transportation, manufacturing, consumer products and technology. Lead trial counsel in insurance coverage, patent infringement, trade secret infringement, medical device product liability, fraud and other significant litigation in state and federal courts and internationally. Results include several multimillion dollar recoveries, including bad faith and punitive damages awards on behalf of public company clients. Lead counsel in labor negotiations. Experienced public company general counsel and advisor to boards of directors on matters of strategy, antitrust, corporate governance, transactions, employment, major litigation and mergers.
Specialties: Public company general counsel, trial lawyer.
Admitted: United States Supreme Court; United States Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Ninth Circuit, Seventh Circuit and Sixth Circuit; United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (Trial Bar); Illinois Supreme Court, Nebraska Supreme Court.
Juris Doctor (1980)
Bachelor of Science Economics (1977)
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