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- Ashley Hallene
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Ashley Hallene is a Land Acquisition Specialist with Demeter Land Development, in Houston, Texas. Ashley is the co-author, along with attorney Jeffrey Allen, of Technology Tips for Seniors Volume 2.0 (2018), Technology Tips for Lawyers and other Business Professionals (2016), Technology Tips for Seniors (2016), Technology Solutions for Today’s Lawyer (2013) and The iPad for Lawyers (2013). She has published articles on legal technology in GP|SOLO Magazine, GP|SOLO eReport, Experience Magazine, Voice of Experience, and the Attorney at Work and TechnoLawyer Newsletters. Ashley is an active member of the American Bar Association’s General Practice Solo & Small Firm Division and the Senior Lawyers Division. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the GP|Solo eReport. She earned her J. D. from the University of Houston Law Center in 2009 and her B.S. from the University of Houston in 2004. Ashley lives in Houston, Texas with her husband, Jack, and their son, Cyrus.
J.D. (2009)
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