State & Local Government Issues at the Supreme Court, 2018 - 2020
Created on November 12, 2019
Many if not most Supreme Court cases have some impact on state and local governments. The Supreme Court's 2018-2019 term was interesting for state and local governments, and the 2019-2020 term is shaping up to cause even more significant upheaval.
In this program, Amanda Kellar, Deputy General Counsel and Director of Legal Advocacy at the International Municipal Lawyers Association, and Lisa Soronen, the Executive Director of the State and Local Legal Center (both of whom regularly file amicus briefs in Supreme Court cases affecting state and local governments), will review five of the most interesting cases for state and local governments from the 2018 - 2019 term, and discuss five 2019 - 2020 cases most likely to impact state and local governance.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the significance of the Supreme Court to state and local governments in terms of the number of cases the Supreme Court takes and the impact of these cases
- Review the facts, issues, holding, reasoning, and practical implications of the five most important cases decided in the Supreme Court's 2018-2019 term for state and local governments
- Analyze the facts, issues, and practical implications of the five most important cases the Supreme Court has agreed to decide in its 2019-2020 term
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