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Insurance Coverage Issues for Emerging Technology Risks

1h 32m

Created on May 20, 2019




How do businesses insure and find insurance coverage for risks arising from new technology? It is a particular challenge to answer this question where a policyholder has only a passing understanding of or lacks any familiarity with the technology at issue. This program examines insurance coverage for new and emerging technology both from a front-end risk management and finance standpoint as well as from a post-loss claims and litigation perspective. In particular, the course will examine coverage for drones, blockchain technology and artificial and augmented intelligence applications.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Plan for and identify new and emerging technology risks in a corporate insurance program
  2. Discuss typical first and third party insurance policies to identify how they might apply in hypothetical use cases involving drones, blockchain technology, and artificial/augmented intelligence
  3. Review of insurance cases that have grappled with coverage for emerging technology risks in the past

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