On Demand


Ending the Discriminatory Consequences of Age Bias in the Legal Profession

1h 3m

Created on March 15, 2018


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This course is part of the Lawline Classics collection, featuring timeless content that remains valuable for learning and reference but is no longer available for CLE credit.

In this program, Andrea S. Kramer ("Andie") and Alton B. Harris ("Al") begin by explaining the nature and operation of age stereotypes - those about both younger and older lawyers. They discuss how these stereotypes result in discriminatory biases against persons at both ends of the age spectrum. They convincingly explain why it is so important for legal organizations to combat age discrimination. Next, they present a series of effective, practical practices, policies, and techniques that legal organizations can use to eliminate age bias and improve generational harmony. They also review the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the status of litigation under this Act, and the likely impact of ABA Model Rule 8.4(g) on age discrimination.

Married to each other, Andie and Al have been working together for more than 30 years to promote gender equality in the workplace. Their writing, speaking, and mentoring all have as their objective helping women, men, and organizations to recognize and eliminate the discriminatory consequences of stereotype bias of all sorts, including gender, racial, and age.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Analyze the nature and operation of age stereotypes and the biases that flow from them
  2. Examine how these age biases limit career opportunities for both older and younger lawyers
  3. Recognize how gender stereotypes interact with age stereotypes to particularly disadvantage women lawyers over 45 years old
  4. Come away with practical, effective techniques and practices that will allow you and your legal organization to eliminate the discriminatory consequences of age bias

Please note that this course reflects information available at the time of filming, and some updates or changes may have occurred since then.

Topics covered in this course:


Alton B. Harris

Alton B. Harris

Nixon Peabody
Andrea S. Kramer

Andrea S. Kramer

McDermott Will & Emery LLP

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