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Cause Marketing and Commercial Co-Ventures (Update)

1h 5m

Created on November 21, 2024




This course will explore the legal implications of causing marketing promotions, particularly the legal requirements for charitable sales promotions/commercial co-ventures.  This course will also review the requirements for compliance with the new California law governing online charitable solicitations.  

Specifically, Mr. Laplaca will

  1. Provide a primer on the basic laws governing cause marketing, including flat donations to charity, round-up at register, sponsorships, and solicitations. Focus largely on the state laws involving charitable sales promotions/commercial co-ventures, including the requirements concerning contracting, advertising, and recordkeeping. 
  2. Review a charity's obligations and advertising limitations. 
  3. Address other regulated entities, such as professional fundraisers, fundraising counsel, and charitable trustees.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify a commercial co-venture 

  2. Address the legal ramifications of common cause marketing promotions  

  3. Review the requirements for compliance with the new California law governing online charitable fundraising platforms, which affect many cause marketing promotions 

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