On Demand


Best Practices for Communicating Effectively In A Landlord-Tenant Case

1h 15m

Created on September 23, 2018




(777 reviews)


In representing landlords or tenants, communication is a key component in representing the client. Although the necessity of good communication is obvious, failing to pay attention to it can cost you as a practitioner. Furthermore, practitioners should not wait until trial to implement good communication techniques and instead should start at the client intake. Additionally, best practices of communication dictate that practitioners should extend effective communication techniques to adversaries and the court (and court personnel) as well.

This course will provide a general overview of communication between attorneys, attorney-client and, attorney-court in a landlord-tenant setting starting with the negotiation of the lease agreement, to eviction proceedings and even to post-judgment matters. Your presenter, Kenneth W. Biedzynski, Esq., will concentrate on these issues and briefly discuss legal and non-legal considerations that practitioners in this field should keep in mind. He will also discuss some of the challenges that commonly face practitioners and offer suggestions as to how to respond to them.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss the art of communication in a landlord-tenant case emphasizing best practices for communicating with the client, an adversary, the court, and, court personnel
  2. Identify best practices for communication with a client and adversary when negotiating a residential or commercial lease agreement
  3. Develop communication best practices when handling an eviction
  4. Communicate with your clients effectively - from client intake to settlement/trial-judgment/post-judgment

This course originally appeared as a part of our September 2018 Bridge the Gap Event.  


Kenneth Biedzynski

Kenneth Biedzynski

Law Offices of Goldzweig, Green, Eiger & Biedzynski, L.L.C.



(777 reviews)

Recent Reviews

Thanks for an informative and very practical CLE.

Vittoria F.Sep 3, 2023

Excellent engaging presenter. Would like to have heard more about triggers to more contentious litigation such as when habitability issues are triggered and most landlords have habitability coverage for just such issues as well as property managers that may only have limited PD or BI coverage u Der a PL policy but full limits for habitability allegations

Stephen W.Jun 28, 2023

Very interesting course and topic!

Brian S.Jun 13, 2023

Very good presentation and materials.

John Robert Z.May 19, 2023

Excellent overview of landlord-tenant law in NJ.

Amy K.Jan 19, 2023

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