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- Harper Seldin
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Harper Seldin is a staff attorney with the national ACLU in the LGBTQ & HIV Project. He is counsel on multiple cases challenging bans on medical care for transgender adolescents, including in Indiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. He has also authored numerous amicus briefs on the rights of transgender students not to be forcibly outed by their schools. In 2021, he was named one of the “Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40” by the LGBT Bar Association.
Prior to joining the ACLU, Harper was a partner at a large national law firm, specializing in complex commercial disputes and representing large technology clients in state and federal court, both at trial and on appeal. Harper is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law. He clerked for Judge Stewart Dalzell in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of PennsylvaniaHarper's courses have 1,654 total views
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