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- Cory M. Amron
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Retired as an intellectual property partner from Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease LLP, Cory Amron is a graduate of Harvard Law School and lives in Arlington VA. She has actively worked on women’s and diversity issues as well as education of the public on the law and legal issues throughout her nearly 40-year legal career.
She was the second Chair of the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession, working on sexual harassment in the legal profession before, during, and after Anita Hill testified before the Senate at Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearing in 1991. She has held numerous positions on ABA Commissions and standing committees, most recently as Chair of the ABA Gavel Awards Committee, and has received numerous awards from the Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia
Ms. Amron is a co-founder and President of Women Lawyers On Guard a national non-profit working since 2017 on issues impacting women and women lawyers, including sexual harassment, women’s reproductive rights, and gender and workplace equity.
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