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- Brian J. McGrady Jr.
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Brian J. McGrady, Jr. focuses his practice on financial services matters. He regularly advises clients on the development, regulation, sale and administration of a variety of investment products, including open-end and closed-end mutual funds, money market funds, and variable and fixed life insurance and annuity products.
Mr. McGrady also advises broker-dealers on compliance and market regulation matters, including broker-dealer registration, equity and fixed income alternative trading systems, FINRA advertising rules, Regulation NMS, trade supervision, best execution and ongoing compliance obligations.
Prior to joining Dechert, Mr. McGrady worked as an associate principal examiner for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. He also worked in the compliance department of two broker-dealers where he was responsible for supervising market regulation matters, including trade reporting and best execution. Mr. McGrady also was an intern at the Investment Company Institute.
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