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- Anthony Davis
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Anthony Davis is a lawyer’s lawyer. He is a partner in the New York office of FisherBroyles LLP. He advises lawyers and law firms in the United States and internationally in the areas of professional responsibility, risk management, and every aspect of the law governing lawyers. Anthony is the author of books and numerous scholarly articles in the field of risk management and legal ethics, and co-author of the bi-monthly “Professional Responsibility” column in the New York Law Journal. Anthony is a Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia University School of Law, teaching “Professional Responsibility Issues in Business Practice.” He is a past President of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL), a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management, and a Member of the American Law Institute (ALI). In addition to New York, Anthony is admitted in Colorado, and as a barrister and solicitor in England and Wales (both non-practicing).
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